How to Care for Roses in Ennis, Texas
Roses have been called the "Queen of Flowers" for good reason. These aromatic and showy flowers are a favorite around the world and in Ennis, Texas. We put together this Care Guide for Roses to help out our Texas gardeners. Whether you've been growing roses for years or you're just buying your first rose plant, you can use this care guide to help get the most out of your beautiful blooms.

Types of Roses
What kind of rose do you grow? Learn a little more about the different classes of roses. If you are using this guide to help you choose a rose plant, then you should consider how much space you plan to devote to your roses, whether you want a kind that is easy to care for, and what color you enjoy most. If you need help choosing a rose plant from our large selection at Tex-Scapes, feel free to ask for assistance from one of our knowledgeable employees.
Hybrid Tea
Perfect for cutting, this class of rose bears large flowers on a long stem. They grow tall, between 3 and 6 feet. Many of them are fragrant. They bloom throughout the growing season and are long-lasting. While hybrid teas are beautiful and popular among professional growers, they are not always the easiest to grow in Texas gardens.
Another class with large flowers and tall, upright stems, these roses grow in clusters on a branch. They also bloom continuously throughout our growing season. Because of their height, you can train them to grow along with a support, such as a fence or a trellis.
These roses are smaller, featuring smaller flowers in clusters and compact bushes that are usually 2 to 3 feet high. This class is derived from hybrid tea roses.
Give the whole plant as a gift to someone! These small roses are great to grow in pots.
Shrub and ground cover roses
Many different groups and subgroups of roses fall under this general class. They are usually easy to grow, and they bloom continuously throughout our growing season. These are great for beginning rose gardeners in Texas! This class includes Knockout, English roses, and Flower Carpet roses, among many other varieties.
Heritage roses
Also called "Antique" or "Old Garden," this class includes roses that were grown before 1867. They include Alba and Damask roses. Many of these old beauties only bloom once during the growing season. These are usually hardy and will grow well with minimal care.
Climbing roses
Climbing roses require support of some sort, like a trellis or fence. They have long canes, and flowers grow along with the cane. Some people prefer these flowers over the bush varieties because the blooms can be larger.
Tips for Maintaining Your Roses
Plant your roses in full sun. Because our soil here in North Texas is a little tricky, we recommend adding compost. Good soil drainage is also important. Consider planting your roses in a raised flower bed. Water roses at least twice a week during the first growing season. They like wet soil, but they don't like to be flooded with too much water. Use a layer of mulch to help keep the moisture in, keep the soil cool, and keep weeds from growing. Most roses need to be fed fertilizer regularly so they can fend off diseases and insects.
Products We Sell to Help Keep Your Rose Plants Healthy
We have everything you need to maintain your rose garden, whether you have one rose plant or many of them! We highly recommend these three products:
- Organic Rose-Tone Rose & Flower Food: this long-lasting organic fertilizer for roses will feed your plants the natural and organic ingredients they need to grow big, beautiful blooms.
- Ferti-Lome Rose & Flower Food: this includes an insecticide that protects the entire rose plant from insects for up to 8 weeks.
- Ferti-Lome Neem: this multi-purpose product defends roses against insects and diseases. It has an insecticide and fungicide to stop powdery mildew and keep away insects and mites.
Pruning Tips
Maintaining your roses includes pruning. Don't be scared away from growing roses because you don't know how to prune. Instead, follow a few simple tips:
- Prune diseased or dead branches at any time of the year. Because some diseases spread between plants, it's a good idea to disinfect your pruning blades between each plant.
- Traditional rose pruning is done in early spring, after the threat of frost.
- To prune a rose bush, make 45-degree angle cuts above an outer bud. The cut should be clean and not ragged.
- If you have a climbing rose, you need to prune after they bloom, not before.
- Roses that bloom continuously during the growing season should be pruned in autumn.
Want to learn more about pruning roses? Watch this short video called "Introduction to Rose Pruning."
Caring for Your Rose During the Winter
Your rose can last throughout the North Texas winter with a little preparation. Although the rose plants don't need as much water in the winter as they do during the growing season, you should not let them completely dry out. Also, keep watching for insects and fungal problems. If you spot a problem, you can treat it, but you don't need to be continuously treating the rose plants during the winter. You do want to leave the rose hips on the bush after the plant is finished flowering. Protect the roots and conserve moisture by adding mulch.
All Your Rose Garden Needs Can Be Found in Our Ennis, Texas Nursery and Garden Store
We've got everything you're going to need right here at our Tex-Scapes Nursery and Landscape.
- Rose plants
- Organic Plant Food
- Fertilizers
- Fungicides and Insecticides
- Compost
- Mulch
- And even pots and garden decor!
If your rose garden is still a dream, and you're not sure how to implement it into your landscape, let Tex-Scapes design and install a beautiful landscape just for you! We are full-service landscaping professionals located in Ennis, Texas and we are committed to giving our customers the beautiful outdoor space they want.
We're Waiting to Hear from You!
Please contact us for more information about our rose plants and how to care for them. Our gardening experts will be happy to share their knowledge with you! We'd love to see you in person, too, so drop in some time, and we'll show you around our plants!
Visit the Premiere Garden Supply Store in Ennis, Texas
We love our garden supply store, and we think you will, too. Visit us at the following hours:
Spring Hours (March - May)
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday – Closed
Summer & Winter Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday – Closed
Give Us a Holler!
If you want to learn more about organic gardening in Ennis, Texas, or you need some organic gardening supplies, come on in and talk to us. At Tex-Scapes Nursery and Landscape, we believe that providing the best products, hometown friendly atmosphere, and superb customer service is what good neighbors do.
Or, you can always contact us online and we'll get back to you.
We're passionate gardeners ourselves and we understand how important your organic garden is. From bagged top soil to organic fertilizers, plants, trees, and gardening tools, we've got everything you need to get going. And, if you ever have a question, or need some help, we'll be happy to lend a hand.