Perennial Gardens To Enhance Your Home And Landscape
Every gardener loves to have permanent producers thriving in their flower beds! These are the flowers known as perennials that are planted once and continue to add substance and color to your landscape, year after year. Annuals must be re-established each year, while certain species of perennial flowers continue to flourish for decades - even centuries!
Tex-Scapes Nursery and Landscape is locally-owned, making us experts in what plants grow best in the Ennis, Texas area. In our garden center, we can show you vibrant, lush varieties of perennial flowering plants that will add beauty to your outdoor space, season after season. Depending on the amount of sunlight your yard gets and how much effort you want to put into maintaining your flower beds, we can help you determine the best choices.

Why Plant Perennials?
The greatest advantage of planting perennials is that they continue to come back every year. When we have mild winters, they may continue to bloom even when the temperature drops. Planting perennials reduces the amount of time and energy you put into gardening since you only plant them once.
- Perennials are hardier than annuals and require far less care
- They tend to develop a deep root system, making them more tolerant to drought
- Their extensive root network aids in preventing soil erosion
- Since they are become strongly established in the beginning, they grow to have more energy available for producing blooms
- Once established, perennials continue to spread, producing wider areas of leaves and flowers
- They create organic-matter-rich material, to create a healthy subsoil
- Perennials are a source of pollen and nectar for honey bees and butterflies
- They provide seeds and nesting materials for the local bird population
- They add interesting textures and colors to your yard, increasing the curb appeal of your home
The Xeriscaping Advantage
Xeriscaping is a landscaping system designed specifically for areas like Ennis, TX that can go for long periods with little precipitation. This style of planting is also appropriate when you have a concern about water conservation. Since perennials continue to develop a strong root system over the years, they are ideal plants for these conditions. Their roots grow far and deep, tapping sources of moisture deep within the soil. While not all perennials are drought tolerant, we can help you design an attractive garden that survives well in the natural climate.
Tips For Establishing Your Perennial Plants
When freshly planted, perennials should be cared for as you would any other new plant. The greatest risk of losing them is insufficient water. New plants have a small root system and need plenty of water that goes deep into the soil, encouraging the roots to follow. The other danger is over-watering, causing the root ball to rot. Shade-loving perennials typically require less water than sun-loving plants. When you visit the nursery, we will be happy to point out which perennials will do best in your yard and how much water they require to become properly established.
Gorgeous Perennial Gardens For Your Ennis, Texas Home
At our garden center, you will find a wide selection of perennial ground covers, shrubs, and plants suitable for your perennial landscaping. These are just a few of the species we carry that grow well in our part of Texas:
- Vinca - Sometimes called periwinkle (but not related to the ground cover), this plant grows 12 to 18 inches tall, producing pink, red, purple, magenta, white and bi-colored blossoms
- Salvia (Greggii) - Also known as autumn sage, this drought-resistant, aromatic perennial gives your garden a splash of color in shades of red
- Lavender - With Mediterranean origins, this strongly-scented plant stays evergreen throughout the year, producing vibrant purple blossoms
- Coreopsis - This is a cheerful, low maintenance plant, rugged enough to survive drought conditions while producing a profusion of blossoms ranging from bright yellow and orange to pink and red.
- Texas Sage - An ornamental shrub, this perennial can grow up to 6 ft. in height with sage-colored leaves and copious blossoms in lavender, magenta, and white
- Holly - This evergreen shrub can grow into tree proportions, producing splendid deep green, prickly leaves and bright red berries
- Juniper - A coniferous shrub with long, trailing branches and needle-like leaves, this aromatic perennial produces frosted, deep blueberries
- Yucca - This popular drought-tolerant evergreen has thick, waxy leaves with sharp tips and produces interesting cone-shaped clusters of white blossoms during the spring season
- Nandina - A mainstay perennial in dry climates, it is ideal for creating visual layers and accentuating other dark foliage with its stunning variety of shades from vibrant greens to reds
- Vitex - This assertive plant is also known as the "lilac of the South" due to its gorgeous flowering spikes that come in purple, lavender, off-white and light pink
We Are Your Ennis, TX Perennial Landscape Specialists
With so many interesting, shapes, colors, and textures, perennial plants will add beauty to your lawn throughout the seasons and for years to come. They can be established on every type of terrain - from edging along flat pathways to sculptured slopes and valleys. They can be planted in layers that add interest to your landscape, with blossoms that appear at various times. They grow well in both shady or sunny spots, attracting butterflies, birds and honey bees.
Being native Texans ourselves, we live and breathe the local lifestyle. We know exactly which plants will give you the results you want. Our friendly staff will help you plan an enduring perennial landscape with unique foliage and fragrant flowers that are worth admiring. Don't have a green thumb? Once your landscape design is ready to go, we can do all the rest. Our landscape installation technicians will put everything in its right place and you don't have to lift a finger!
Feel free to contact us or drop into the garden center at Tex-Scapes Nursery and Landscape. We will be happy to take you on the tour and answer any questions. You will be pleasantly surprised by the stunning varieties of plants and shrubs perfect for our climate. Our aim is to make your yard look outstanding and easy to maintain with the perfect selection of perennials for your Ennis, TX home.
Visit the Premiere Garden Supply Store in Ennis, Texas
We love our garden supply store, and we think you will, too. Visit us at the following hours:
Spring Hours (March - May)
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday – Closed
Summer & Winter Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday – Closed
Tex-Scapes Nursery and Landscape: A Garden Center and More
Tex-Scapes is more than a garden center and plant nursery, we're also a full-service landscaping company serving Ennis, Waxahachie, Corsicana and the surrounding areas. We're experienced in all kinds of landscape, irrigation and drainage projects from small yards and gardens to large corporate projects. No job is too small, and we're always willing to help a neighbor! So, give us a ring at (972) 875-1716, get a hold of us online, or better yet, stop in so we can see your smiling face and get to know you!